Saturday, January 26, 2019

January 25th

We have been busy in Second Grade over the past couple of weeks! 

The children enjoyed a pretend "flight" to our first destination in our Around the World social studies unit, which was Mexico! We have spent the past two weeks learning about the continent of North America as a whole and then focused on the country of Mexico. The children enjoyed making their first scrapbook page and painting sombreros. Our next continent in Asia and the children will learn about Japan. 

In math we are finishing up Unit 5. The children have solved change to more number stories through the use of "change diagrams" and parts and total number stores through the use of "parts and total diagrams." We have also discussed temperature and used temperature as a means to solve change to more or change to less number stories. Next week the students will be taking their Unit 5 assessment. 

We're off to a great start with our new Opinion Writing unit. The children have had the opportunity to hear several examples of opinion pieces and completed a graphic organizer about a restaurant of their choice that they would like to review. They have also learned about writing opening sentences which can be a catchy lead, question, or stating their opinion. The children are really enjoying writing their first review and can't wait to write more over the next several weeks. 

Next week Robinson is celebrating "The Great Kindness Challenge!" This is a week dedicated to creating a culture of kindness and compassion in school, at home, and in our community. You can learn more about it by visiting GreatKindnessChallenge.Org 

A flyer was sent home this week with Spirit Days for the Great Kindness Challenge. 
Monday- wear your Robinson School Apparel or colors (red/black)
Tuesday- wear bright neon-colored clothes
Wednesday- wear your favorite superhero attire or colors
Thursday- wear tie-dye, smiley faces, hearts, or peace signs
Friday- wear red or pink 

Upcoming Dates: 
January 28th-February 1st- Great Kindness Challenge 
February 6th- Early Release for Professional Development 

January 2019

Happy 2019!! I hope everyone is feeling rested and revived after our long winter break. Thank you all so much for helping to make our winter holiday party a huge success. The children (and parent helpers) had a lot of fun!

We will be kicking off a new year, a new math unit, a new writing unit, and soon a new social studies unit.

The children have completed the first half of the Everyday Math program, so this week they will begin working in a new math journal. We will start Unit 5, which reviews addition fact power (automaticity of math facts), as well as money.

Our term 2 writing time will be spent working on reviews/opinion writing. This week we’ll discuss what people might review and what a good review should include. We’ll start off by reviewing the Robinson School Cafeteria- a place we’re all familiar with!!

During our reading blocks, the kids enjoyed reading non-fiction texts. We continued to discuss the non-fiction text features (glossary, index, captions, labels, diagrams, heading, etc.). The kids also had the opportunity to begin thinking about main idea and supporting details. This is a concept that is ongoing for second graders and will be discussed several times throughout the year during reading groups with both fiction and non-fiction texts. 

In Social Studies we are finishing up our mapping unit. The students learned about different kinds of maps and cardinal directions. We also looked at map keys. These mapping skills will be the stepping stones into our very large unit of study- “Around the World” that we will begin this month.

The children enjoyed our Science lesson that focused on "How are Materials Used for Different Purposes." The children were asked to build bridges that were both strong and waterproof. They started by testing how strong each material was by placing blocks on the bridge deck. Then they tested whether or not each material was waterproof by spraying a small piece with water. The students then used the data they collected to build a bridge that was both strong and waterproof. Every group's bridge was a success, nice job kids!!!!

Dates to remember:
January 21st – No School in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
January 22nd- No School Professional Development

December 2018

Happy December! I hope you are all surviving and enjoying this busy and exciting time of the year! The energy is certainly felt in 2nd grade! :)

In second grade we have been very busy. We enjoyed an all school assembly last Friday where we kicked off the letter A in CARE which stands for Acceptance. Mr. LaCoste will be visiting our classroom next week to read our next Care to Read book which focuses on the concept of acceptance.

We have been enjoying our new social studies unit which is on Mapping Skills. The children have learned about the cardinal directions, may key, how to "read" various maps. They are also beginning to learn about the names and location of the 7 continents and the 5 major oceans. These are skills that will lead us into our Around the World unit which we will begin the end of January.

Next week we are looking forward to starting our next science unit which is Materials and Their Uses. The children will have the opportunity to learn the various materials that objects can be made of and will investigate why certain materials are used for different objects.

In math the children have been learning about telling time on an analog clock. This can be a difficult concept for some, so we encourage you to reinforce this concept at home. This is an area that we will continue to review throughout the year. At this point, the expectation is that the children can tell time to the hour and half hour. The expectation for the END of the year is that they tell time to the 5 minute interval. We have also worked with place value. The children have built various numbers with base ten blocks. Also, the children have explored the value of each digit in a 3 digit number along with comparing which number is largest by looking at the value of each digit.

During reading, we have been enjoying some holiday books along fictional texts and talking about the character traits of the main characters in the book. We began this topic by doing an activity where the children brainstormed character traits that describe themselves. The children did a wonderful job reflecting upon their own personalities.

The character traits concept has also led us into a fun writing activity. We received a letter from Santa explaining that he was looking for some friends to help the elves at the North Pole. The children brainstormed the character traits that they felt Santa would be looking for and the reasons why those character traits would be important to Santa. Next, they will begin to write letters to Santa and create their own elves to be displayed in the classroom.