Wednesday, September 25, 2019

September 25, 2019

Classroom Post

We are off to a great start here in Second Grade! I am really enjoying getting
to know each of the children! We have spent a lot of time talking about
classroom expectations, routines, and establishing the culture of our classroom.
Here is a glance into what has been happening in your child's second grade
classroom these past few weeks. 
We spent most of our reading blocks reviewing the Daily Five structure. For those new to Robinson or those unfamiliar with Daily Five it is a literacy structure that allows for differentiation in the classroom and provides consistency. It is an integrated literacy instruction and classroom management system that is used during our literacy block. While I am working with small groups for Guided Reading, the other children have literacy “tasks” that include: Work on Words, Work on Writing, Read to Self, Read to Someone, and Listen to Reading. It takes a few weeks for me to assess all of the children and to determine their reading levels and while I am doing that, the children will build their stamina in each of the "task" areas. The children have been able to do 3 rounds this week consisting of "Read to Self, Work on Writing, and Listening to Reading."
In math we have recently finished working on Unit 1. This unit did a lot of review of concepts learned in first grade and allows time for us to establish math routines in the classroom. We've focused on number scrolls, number grids, and combinations of 10, and learning about equivalent names for numbers.
During our writing blocks, we have begun to talk about Personal Narrative stories which is our first unit in second grade. The children have had the opportunity to brainstorm ideas for their stories, completed their graphic organizers, and begin drafting their first personal narrative story.
I also assessed the children on the 100-second grade high frequency words. This is done periodically throughout the year to see what words your child needs to practice. These words will become part of their weekly spelling words that they will practice at school and home.
We started "Star of the Week" last week!  Each week one child will be chosen to be our "Star" for the week.  That child gets to bring in photos and other special items that tell about themselves.  We will display the photos for the entire week, and the child will get to present their items to the class on Fridays.  Last week I got to be the 'Star"! It was a fun way to demonstrate what "Star of the Week" might look and sound like.

**Second Grade Homework starts has begun! Please check your child's folder daily for homework assignments. On Mondays, your child will bring home their weekly Spelling Words on the back of their "Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe" sheet. Your child will be expected to practice their spelling words at least two nights per week. The Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe sheet will have a variety of choices for your child to pick from in order to practice their words.
Also, second graders are expected to read for at least 15 minutes per night. Your child will bring home a "Reading Log" on Mondays as well. We ask that they keep track of their weekly reading and return the "Log" on Fridays along with their "Spelling Tic Tac Toe" sheet. Both of these sheets should remain in your child's Take Home Folder all week and will be passed in on Fridays.We strongly encourage that your child read daily for enjoyment and/or extra practice.   

In addition to spelling and reading, your child will have math homework two nights per week. Most weeks this will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The math homework is due back the following day. Thank you for your help and support on homework.